
We all have unhealthy habits, but these habits could be costing you not only your health but your money as well. Further, not recognizing the poor ways that you treat your body can lead to physical and mental health issues, which can affect everything from your mood to your musculoskeletal system.

Today on the Vitality Family Chiropractic blog, we take a look at a few simple ways that you can improve your health that might also be a boom to your finances.

  1. Signs Of Poor Health

When you think of somebody in poor health, being overweight is likely the first thing that comes to mind. However, an expanded waistline is not the only indication that you need to make changes in your life. According to HealthShots, other issues to be on the lookout for include:

  • Fatigue
  • Chest pain
  • Persistent fever
  • Joint pain
  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Extreme weight loss
  1. Everyday Updates

Reclaiming your wellness doesn’t have to be a major hassle, and you may find that you save money by simply making healthy choices. A few of these are:

  • Eating more vegetables. Buy your fruits and vegetables locally, and you’ll save money and enjoy more nutrition.
  • Change your cleaners. If using bleach burns your eyes and gives you a headache, switch to all-natural cleaning products, which can be just as effective without the unpleasant side effects.
  • Get a massage. Massages are an inexpensive and enjoyable way to relieve muscle tension and reduce stress. At Vitality Family Chiropractic you will find the most up to date specials and offers for massage.
  • Walk every day. Cancel the gym membership, because you do not need to work out in a rigid setting to improve your health. Prevention explains that walking in nature can even have a significant and positive impact on your mood.

While the changes listed above might help you feel physically better, they will do much more than that. When you feel healthier, you’ll also enjoy better mental health, and when you feel better mentally and emotionally, you may be encouraged to make even more positive lifestyle changes for yourself and your family.

  1. Better Health, More Income

Something very few people consider is that their health journey may even bring about income opportunities. More than just saving money at the grocery store or on gym memberships, you can become an inspirational market influencer or even open your own fitness studio. Before you do:

  • Determine your business structure. All businesses operate on a structure. This could be a sole proprietorship or, more commonly, and LLC. Register your business online by checking your local state requirements and using a formation service to steer clear of attorney fees.
  • Understand invoicing. If you’ve never owned a business before, get comfortable asking people for money. You’ll need a great invoice, and a customized invoice generator can help you easily create one using pre-made templates. You can add your own images, logo, and text to make it your own.
  • Track your progress. If you are going to open a business in the health industry and plan to use your own journey in your marketing, you have to track your progress. One simple solution is to start a blog. If possible, use your business name and then pick a simple theme that allows you to write and share content with your followers.

Your health and wealth go hand in hand. When you save on your health, you can put money in your pocket that you might otherwise be spending on hefty insurance premiums and doctor visits. And, if you’re truly diligent, you may even be able to turn your wellness journey into an income.


Caring for a new infant while recovering from the physical stress of labor and delivery can be emotionally and mentally challenging. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, one in nine women experiences postpartum depression, or PPD, a form of depression that can arise following childbirth. Fortunately, treatment and self-care measures can get you through this trying time. Vitality Family Chiropractic Wellness Center can help you from a physical perspective before and after birth with services designed especially for pre- and postpartum care.

What is Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum depression is characterized by a wide-spanning range of different feelings following the birth of your child. It could be as minor as an occasional low mood, and as serious as becoming despondent and suicidal. While severe symptoms should be addressed with an immediate 911 call, it’s important to stay in regular contact with your OB/GYN provider after birth. Keep an eye out for anything that resembles PPD, especially if the symptoms persist for more than two weeks. While of course, new mothers are experiencing hormonal and physical changes paired with a lack of sleep a new baby brings, PPD is something more serious that may need medical or therapeutic interventions.

What Causes Postpartum Depression?

A woman’s body goes through many changes as part of the gestational process, and a feeling of depression can arise following childbirth. According to Mayo Clinic, this is characterized by mood swings, sadness, poor sleeping, and crying, among other symptoms. In the past, this used to be known as “baby blues,” and was originally thought to be attributed to physical recovery and making the transition to new motherhood. There are varying levels of PPD, including a more severe form known as postpartum psychosis, which includes confusion and disorientation, and feelings of wanting to hurt yourself or your baby. This form of PPD requires immediate medical intervention.

Talking About It

In the past, many women have been hesitant to talk about their PPD symptoms, feeling it would signal their inadequacy as a mother. Nothing could be farther from the truth, and talking about it in families and in society can help reduce the stigma that used to be associated with this condition. Obstetricians, gynecologists, midwives, and pediatricians are all trained to recognize the symptoms of PPD and talk openly with women about ways to make their way through this often debilitating condition. Interestingly, new fathers can also experience a non-hormonal form of PPD that can stem from the stress that comes with the changing family and partnership dynamics that come with the birth of a child. PPD is more common in women and men with a history of depression.

PPD Treatment Approaches

There are a variety of treatment options for women with PPD. These include talk therapy and medical intervention. Self-care is also essential during this time. Ask for help when you need it and give yourself time to rest and recover. Eat well, participate in light physical activity, and treat yourself with kindness. Buy clothing like compression leggings that will help your body start feeling “normal” again. Get adequate sleep, even if it means pulling in other people to help with nightly childcare. Take the time you need to bond with your baby while you’re in recovery.

Postpartum depression used to be dismissed as a woman’s issue with no consequence, but fortunately advances in women’s health care have created pathways for identifying and treating the condition. If you, your partner, or someone else you care for is exhibiting PPD symptoms, get in touch with an OB/GYN as soon as possible, or call 911 in the case of an emergency situation.

Vitality Family Chiropractic Wellness Center of Jacksonville, FLA promotes self-care and holistic approaches to wellness. Book your appointment today.

Photo By Pixabay


Raising healthy kids in today’s world can feel overwhelming, even for seasoned parents. It’s not impossible to do if you approach it pragmatically and lead by example. Consider these five straightforward ways from Vitality Family Chiropractic to naturally encourage your kids to make healthy life choices.

  1. Encourage Extracurricular Activities

Kids need physical and intellectual stimulation outside of school. Enrolling them in extracurricular activities such as team sports or martial arts can help them develop positive social skills as well as bolster self-esteem. When used appropriately to help them grow and not to overburden or overschedule them, martial arts and other sports provide numerous benefits for kids and teens. They get to experience challenges, learn new things while making friends and enjoy the fruits of success, all while getting in some physical activity and building stronger muscles and bodies.

  1. Purchase Healthier Food Options

To help your kids choose food options that will aid their growing brains and bodies, purchase food options more healthy than junk food. The less sugary and nutrient-deficient choices you have in the house, the more likely your kids will choose to eat something that is better for them. Whole grains, B vitamins, fruits and vegetables are all great food options to have on hand. Include healthy servings of choice, nutritionally dense dishes at home meal times as well.

  1. Have Screen-Free Zones or Time Blocks

The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry notes that kids spend four to six hours a day on screens. Not only does this potentially expose your kids to advertising and negative content, but excessive TV and computer use can lead to trouble sleeping, affect academic achievement and contribute to obesity.

You can encourage kids to be healthier by setting screen limits of two hours or less and knowing what your children are watching when they use screens. There are a number of helpful apps that keep screen time in check, according to DFWCHILD. Look into programs for desktop computers like Qustodio that control your kid’s screen time by device as well as monitor activity on social media, block inappropriate content, and limit games. Other apps include FamiSafe, ScreenTime and ZenScreen.

  1. Demonstrate Healthy Habits Yourself

The National Institutes of Health points to studies suggesting that children of parents who are strong role models are 10 times more likely to engage in healthy habits such as eating daily recommended servings of vegetables and fruit. Demonstrating healthy habits may mean more than having your children see you eat well.

It’s also never too early to talk to your kids about their future and what they want to do. You can be a good role model by pursuing your own career and education achievements by going back to school for a master’s program. For example, you can build logic, data structure, AI and computer theory skills by earning an online computer science degree. Pursuing an online business degree can help you develop writing, time management, financial and communication skills. More importantly, you set a good educational example that will benefit your kids.

  1. Supplement with Chiropractic Care

Whether your child suffers from asthma, developmental delays or ADHD, or if you just want to incorporate new ways to help them achieve optimal health, consider taking them for regular chiropractic care. Visits to the chiropractor have been proven to be highly beneficial for children, and offices like Vitality Family Chiropractic offer pediatric solutions for newborns and up. Our practitioners have specialized training and are certified to work in pediatric chiropractic, and we have experience working with children that most other chiropractors don’t have. Plus, we have a welcoming environment from the moment you walk in the door and unparalleled patient care. Children of all ages will feel comfortable and relaxed during their visit and walk out feeling healthier and revitalized!

  1. Involve Yourself in Their Lives in a Healthy Way

It can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking your life should look and feel a specific way. Every family is different, and it’s important to set aside what you think a perfect family is and engage with your loved ones in the moment. Take time to be with your kids and avoid the urge to dismiss or quickly fix their problems or struggles.

By making the effort to be present and model healthier habits in a meaningful way in your life, you demonstrate a healthy parent-child relationship as well as let your children know you care about them. Today is the perfect day to get started on raising healthy kids.


La Fibromialgia se caracteriza por una fatiga extrema y dolor generalizado en ciertos puntos específicos, que impide a los pacientes a realizar actividades o tareas cotidianas.  Otros síntomas frecuentes son la rigidez muscular, dolores de cabeza, alteración en el sueño, ansiedad, depresión, además de problemas con la concentración y memoria.

Hoy día, algunas de las causas de la Fibromialgia aún siguen siendo desconocidas. No existe examen o medicamento específico para esta condición.  Usualmente se prescriben analgésicos para ayudar a disminuir algunos síntomas de dolor y otros fármacos que pueden ayudar a mejorar el estado de ánimo.  La mayoría de los investigadores coinciden en la literatura describiendo la Fibromialgia como un desarreglo del sistema nervioso central que crea una percepción anormal de dolor.  El sistema nervioso es sobre estimulado manifestando síntomas de dolores musculares o en articulaciones.  Estudios recientes indican que esta condición ataca el 4-6% de la población entre 30 a 50 años de edad y afecta mayormente a mujeres.

La profesión de la Quiropráctica ha tomado un rol importante en el tratamiento alternativo para la Fibromialgia, utilizando los ajustes quiroprácticos como una técnica gentil, no-invasiva y no-adictiva. De esta forma se ha comenzado a proveer una alternativa no farmacológica, natural y eficaz al paciente; la cual a través de los ajustes se promueve la disminución del efecto del sistema nervioso sobre los pacientes.  Como quiroprácticos, nos enfocamos en atender la necesidad de los pacientes desde un punto de vista holístico, trabajando con la modificación de alimentación y el manejo de estrés.

Los ajustes pueden realizarse de forma manual, utilizando alguna instrumentación, o realizando la técnica de flexión-distracción, proveyendo seguridad, comodidad y eficacia como resultado. Las terapias complementarias como la acupuntura, la quiropráctica y el masaje pueden ayudar a aliviar los síntomas.  El doctor en medicina quiropráctica, además de enfocarse en síntomas músculo-esqueletales, también trabaja con otras áreas: como el diario vivir del paciente, estilo de vida y nutrición.

Aquella persona que padece de Fibromialgia debe ser tratada desde un punto de vista de la salud integral del paciente. Debe haber un grupo de profesionales proveedores de la salud en el co-manejo del paciente: quiropráctico, internista, reumatólogo, nutricionista, psiquiatra, psicólogo, entre otros. Para un diagnóstico sobre Fibromialgia y evaluar que opciones de tratamiento pueden beneficiarle, es importante que visite a su médico. En Vitality Family Chiropractic, estamos completamente capacitados para proveer una alternativa diferente en el manejo de dicha condición. Para mayor información pueden comunicarse al email: ó número de teléfono 904-434-3465.

A. Como terapia alternativa para la Fibromialgia están las terapias de ultrasonido y de estimulación eléctrica que ayudan a disminuir dolor e inflamación en el cuerpo.

B. Como parte del diagnóstico de fibromialgia, el dolor durante la palpación digital debe estar presente en al menos 11 de los 18 puntos específicos.


La quiropráctica es una profesión que se enfoca en los problemas músculo-esqueletales relacionados con la columna vertebral y el sistema nervioso.

Uno de los momentos más importantes para que una mujer reciba tratamiento quiropráctico es durante su embarazo. Muchos estudios demuestran que durante el embarazo más del 50% de las mujeres experimentan dolores de espalda baja, debido al incremento de la circulación de la hormona “Relaxina” en el cuerpo, causando la relajación de ligamentos y articulaciones.

Se ha demostrado que 7 de cada 10 mujeres embarazadas que han recibido tratamiento quiropráctico, han reportado un gran alivio en sus molestias y dolores, obteniendo una mejor calidad de vida y pudiendo disfrutar a mayor cabalidad de su embarazo.

Los ajustes quiroprácticos se han convertido en una de las opciones naturales más eficaces para mantener el buen estado general de la mujer embarazada, ante los cambios que están ocurriendo en su cuerpo. Ayudan a disminuir la tensión muscular, a mantener la columna vertebral y pelvis alineada; además benefician grandemente en el funcionamiento del cuerpo durante la gestación.

Te has preguntado tal vez, ¿qué otros efectos pueden tener los ajustes quiroprácticos en la mujer gestante?

Aquí algunos:

1. Los ajustes disminuyen muchos de los síntomas típicos del embarazo (Ejemplo: náuseas, migrañas, dolor de cuello y espalda baja, dolor del nervio ciático, dolores musculares, etc.)

2. Ayuda a reducir el tiempo durante el proceso de parto. Hay ciertos estudios investigativos los cuales indican que los ajustes quiroprácticos durante el embarazo ayudan a disminuir el dolor de parto y el mantener una pelvis alineada promueve un proceso de parto óptimo y más cómodo.

3. La necesidad de tomar analgésicos durante el proceso de parto puede verse reducida a la mitad en pacientes que han recibido tratamiento quiropráctico durante su embarazo, según fue publicado en ciertos estudios realizados.

4. Los ajustes pueden ayudar a disminuir las posibilidades de tener una cesárea.

5. Ayuda a que el tiempo de recuperación durante el proceso de post-parto sea más rápido.

Los ajustes quiroprácticos durante el embarazo son realizados utilizando técnicas completamente específicas por un profesional entrenado en el área y certificado en “Técnica Webster”.

La manipulación manual se realiza de una forma gentil, proveyendo comodidad y seguridad para la madre gestante y su bebé. En Vitality Family Chiropractic, yo estoy entrenada y capacitada para localizar y corregir disfunciones músculo-esqueletales durante el embarazo y post-parto.

En nuestra oficina nos enfocamos en cuidado prenatal y pediátrico, siendo el cuidado del recién nacido otra parte importante en el post-parto de la madre. Para mayor información: ó


In many ways, the sudden ubiquity of remote work serves pregnant people well. For many expecting families, the ability to stay home while staying productive is an absolute game-changer. Thanks to many companies offering (or requiring) this workstyle during the pandemic, expecting parents can moderate their risk to a level that feels comfortable to them.

However, working from home comes with drawbacks, especially when it comes to spinal health. Pregnancy is already notorious for causing back pain and muscular discomfort. When you work from home, however, you’re far more likely to be less active and less mobile. This, paired with a non-ergonomic home office, can lead to serious back trouble that stays with you throughout — and after — pregnancy.

Vitality Family Chiropractic  helps expectant women take the best possible care of themselves during pregnancy. To that end, we’ve come up with this guide to help you figure out how to protect and strengthen your back while working remotely:

Reduce Stress

Pregnancy is stressful, pandemics are stressful, and suddenly working in a new environment is stressful. Suffice to say, you’re likely getting stress from almost all directions right now, particularly if you’re serving in a leadership role with your job. ZenBusiness points out that the more employees you supervise the higher the stress levels, and maintaining a proper work-life balance is among the biggest stressors of all. Although feeling some anxiety due to all of these is perfectly normal, it can also lead to a snowball effect.

Stress tends to make your muscles tenser, which can lead to worse posture and, as a result, more back pain. Moreover, when you’re stressed, you often wind up fatigued and unmotivated, which makes you less likely to take the steps you must to properly care for yourself. Fortunately, as Healthline notes, stress reduction techniques can go a long way toward reducing pain and empowering you to take preventative measures.

For example, you could start a daily pregnancy yoga practice, or work on developing mindfulness. If you’re finding you have a lot of trouble relaxing, you should consider doing something to reset your home’s energy. Lots of stress in a single area can effectively build an association with anxiety when you’re in that space. Redecorating, reorganizing, or even just letting in some fresh air can help redefine your home’s mood.

Prioritize Posture

Another step you can take to protect your back health while working from home is to prioritize good posture. In an office environment, most people are used to using large, elevated monitors that facilitate a neutral head position. At home, however, many people work off laptops and, as a result, spend more of their time looking down at their screen. This results in the aptly-named “Text neck,” a type of poor posture that puts unnecessary strain on the back. Elevating your screen can go a long way toward reducing this issue — use an external keyboard in order to lift up your laptop and work effectively.

Posture has more of an impact on pregnant people than you might realize. In addition to strengthening the core and reducing back pain, good posture is vital for optimal fetal positioning in the later end of the third trimester. When you sit up straight and avoid crunching down, you open up space in the torso and pelvis, giving the baby room to engage properly. This can make labor safer and easier for everyone.

Walk Daily

Finally, working from home tends to make you more sedentary. When you’re going in and out of an office, there are many moments of incidental walking — to the car, to your desk, to the breakroom — and, although these may feel like small moments, they’re often not replicated in the remote work environment.

As a result, you must intentionally increase your walking in order to make up for this. Daily walks will keep your core strong, help you stay active, and help you build the stamina necessary for childbirth. Remember, you’re preparing for a major physical endeavor — your body needs training in order to cope.

Remote work offers a world of benefits for expecting parents, but it comes with drawbacks, too. Make sure you’re protecting your spine and core and giving yourself plenty of exercise in order to stay healthy while working remotely. Doing so will make pregnancy, birth, and the time that follows substantially easier and more comfortable.

Photo Credit: Pexels


Las infecciones de oído (otitis media) son la enfermedad más común que afecta al 80% de bebés y niños pequeños; también es la razón más común por la cual se visita a un médico durante los primeros años de vida, según ha sido reportado por el Instituto Nacional de la Salud de los Estados Unidos.

El tratamiento convencional para la otitis media es a base de antibióticos y analgésicos. El antibiótico puede ser eficaz si la causa es bacteriana, mas no viral. En muchos casos los medicamentos pueden tener algunos efectos secundarios, razón por la cual deben ser utilizados bajo supervisión médica y cuando sea completamente necesario. Un sistema inmunológico fuerte es mucho más eficaz que los antibióticos.

Existen estudios que sugieren los ajustes quiroprácticos como tratamiento natural para la otitis media y prevenir futuras infecciones de oído. La quiropráctica puede ayudar debido a la estrecha relación entre la estructura del oído interno y las vértebras de la parte superior del cuello.

Los ajustes ayudan a disminuir la presión que se puede estar generando en el oído interno del niño, que posteriormente causa inflamación en el Tubo de Eustaquio e infecciones de oído como la otitis media.

La otitis media comúnmente surge cuando no hay un drenaje adecuado del sistema linfático en el cuello, o cuando el tubo de Eustaquio, el cual evita que las bacterias o los virus entren, no funciona correctamente. Algunos de los síntomas de la otitis media incluyen dolor de oído, fiebre e irritabilidad. Puede haber acumulación de fluido detrás del tímpano e inflamación.

Los adultos, por lo general no desarrollan infecciones de oídos recurrentes debido a: que en primer lugar la forma y la longitud de los Tubos de Eustaquio son diferentes, lo que permite un drenaje más fácil y hace que sea más difícil para una bacteria invadir. En segundo lugar, los adultos tienden a pasar más tiempo en posición vertical que los niños pequeños, lo que también fomenta un mejor drenaje y disminuye el riesgo de infección. El Tubo de Eustaquio en niños es más corto, estrecho y horizontal, creando más dificultad para el drenaje.

Article from Orlando Sentinel by Dr. Yamilette López


If you’re an introvert, you may find that daily life can be overwhelming and draining. This means self-care is especially important for soothing stress and keeping your batteries charged. Self-care for introverts is all about acknowledging your need for time alone and learning how to prioritize your physical and mental health, despite all of your work responsibilities and social obligations. Vitality Family Chiropractic + Wellness Center offers some great ways to fill your cup and support your whole-body health.

Visit the Doctor

An important part of self-care is taking care of your body. Health care is a valuable resource for staying on top of our general wellness, preventing illness, and recovering from any conditions that may be holding us back. Stay on top of your health care by ensuring you’re adequately covered for all of the services you need. In addition to regular checkups, this also means taking advantage of any coverage that affords you treatments like chiropractic care for spinal and joint health or counseling for depression or anxiety.

Eat for More Energy

Introverts tend to have limited energy for social activities. Our brains need nutrients just like the rest of our bodies! When we’re working hard on demanding tasks, like giving a presentation in a meeting or hosting a dinner party with friends, it’s important to keep our brains fueled. Healthline recommends reaching for energizing foods like fatty fish, lean protein, complex carbs, and legumes when you need a pick-me-up.

Well-chosen supplements can also help fill any nutritional gaps in your diet and help boost your mood and energy levels even more. Believe it or not, even people who exercise and eat healthy tend to lack certain nutrients that can be replenished with a good vitamin, so add something to ensure you cover your bases.

Go for a Walk in the Woods

When you need a break from the world, head into the great outdoors. According to Truity, time in nature can reduce stress and contribute to positive changes in mood. This is also a chance to unplug from your social life, so you can finally enjoy some solitude without. Whether you decide to walk in the park, jog a wooded trail, or power through a hike, engaging in physical activity outside will give you an extra well-being boost.

Indulge in Relaxing Activities

Sometimes we just need to relax and pamper ourselves. Schedule time to indulge in activities you find rejuvenating. Treat yourself to a nap, read a relaxing book on the couch, take time for your favorite gaming experience to blow off steam, hide away in bed with your favorite TV show—do whatever makes you feel relaxed! Just keep in mind that tending to your own needs can feel incredibly guilty or selfish.

If you struggle with feelings of guilt, Psych Central recommends thinking of care as a limited resource that you have to conserve and renew in yourself before it can be shared with others. Remember, self-care is a skill that can take some getting used to!

Go to Bed Earlier

If you worship your solitary evenings and dread the coming workday, you may be familiar with bedtime procrastination. This term describes a failure to go to bed at the time we intend, even when nothing is preventing us from doing so. Sleep procrastination is common among people who cherish their “me” time at the end of the day and can’t bring themselves to turn off the TV or put the phone down and go to bed—even if it means a rough morning ahead. If you’re putting off your bedtime, try developing an enjoyable evening routine to ease your transition to bedtime.

While the act of self-care sounds pretty straightforward, it can be surprisingly hard to give ourselves the attention we really need. Sometimes, you’ll have to be prepared to say no to invitations or requests in order to preserve your energy. Make an effort to carve out personal time and find ways to nurture yourself every day.


The initial shock of being diagnosed with a condition that will cause chronic pain will be difficult, but there are ways to cope as you begin to accept your diagnosis. Managing your symptoms with healthy foods and making some improvements in your home will both help, as will seeking out professionals for further assistance.

Q1. What are some ways I can manage my symptoms and deal with the shock of my diagnosis?

A1. You can manage symptoms by eating well and addressing the emotional challenges through acceptance and practicing relaxation methods.

Q2. What are improvements I can make to my home to help manage chronic pain?

A2. Keep a healthy home and make a few minor improvements such as putting a heating pad in your bed if you deal with back pain.

Q3. What kind of professionals can help me?

A3. Dieticians, chiropractors, and psychologists can help you as you manage your pain and emotional hurdles.

  • Hire the best dietitians to help reshape your diet.
  • Seek professional rehabilitation from the professionals at Vitality to reduce pain.
  • Psychologists can help you improve your outlook and deal with emotional challenges.

By using the resources above, you can manage symptoms and find ways to cope despite your chronic pain. Research possible professionals who can help, and keep your home clean to promote wellness.



Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature in the line formed by the vertebrae along the spine, which instead of being straight has an S or C shape. It is usually detected more frequently in girls and between 8 and 18 years old although it can occur at any age.

  • In 70% of cases, the cause is unknown
  • In 10% it is congenital, from birth
  • In 20% it appears as an effect of neuromuscular problems (bad postures)

Parents may notice a higher shoulder or hip and the clothing does not fit well. There may be back or leg pains and difficulty in having a correct posture that is overlooked as simple “growing pains”.


There are numerous investigations that have shown chiropractic has excellent results in the control, reduction, and correction of scoliosis in people of all ages, from children to adults. It has helped countless patients recover their health, their posture, and their self-esteem. The degrees of deviation and age are determining factors to stabilize or help correct scoliosis. It is preferable to start treatment as soon as possible to prevent or delay the deviation process.

By making very precise adjustments to the area of ​​the spine that is affected by scoliosis, the chiropractor removes the pressure on the nerves and muscles. The goal is to re-stabilize the movement and correct the position of the spine and relieve back pain associated with scoliosis.

At Vitality Family Chiropractic and Wellness Center it is our job to diagnose each patient’s scoliosis effectively. After a diagnosis is made, we will formulate the proper treatment plan with various therapies and adjustments to give our patients the safest and most effective treatment plan per their case. It is critical that additional home exercise and other therapies are performed after the reduction of scoliosis has been made to stabilize and maintain the correction.  Vitality Family Chiropractic is a family-oriented practice with extra training to service different groups: auto injury, pediatric, prenatal, adult, geriatric, sports injury. Our mission is to enable health and well-being by serving the whole patient structurally, nutritionally, and energetically.

Copyright by Vitality Center Jax 2024. All rights reserved.
